Jim asked Sandy about the above sketch
Sandy: Not much to say about this piece cause all the details are lost in the misty corridors of my memory. Got a call one day when I was still in NYC from a company developing roll playing games, ala D+D. They wanted me to do the illustrations/character designs for the project. It was to have a crime noir, 1930's setting. This all sounded good and I drew up this rough, following a detailed description of the scene. Sent them a xerox (yes, that long ago.) They loved it. Raved about it. And I never heard another word from them or about the project. So it goes. Jim asked Sandy about the above drawing
Sandy: Another romantically inspired drawing (as was the previous Clea piece.) This is based on a sketch I did for a girlfriend a loooong time ago. I drew upon it when, years later, I was asked to do a "jungle girl" pin-up (for an issue of "Jungle Girl" comics, was it?) Took the sketch and turned into a finished pencil piece. How this primal fantasy still smolders in the hearts of modern day fans! |
BLOGaboutPlunkett-fan Jim Harris interviewing Sandy about past and present projects. Archives
January 2021