Jim asked Sandy about the above comic strip
Sandy: This strip was something of an exploratory mission. Had the notion to try and develop a comic strip for alternative papers. Lots of them around the country. But I realized I was biting off more than I could chew in that the approach I was taking was way too detailed and precise--I'd never be able make this work for me financial since each installment would take much too long to complete. But I couldn't quite leave the story alone. The plot centered around a certain fascination I've always had with pirate radio stations and I ended up incorporating that plot element into another comic strip, Bleeding Hearts, which saw print in the OU Post. And I used yet another piece of that story (young fellow stumbles upon a secret alien invasion) for "The Adventures of Harold Mitty, Pizza Boy", a strip that ran for half a year in the Athens News and elsewhere. |
BLOGaboutPlunkett-fan Jim Harris interviewing Sandy about past and present projects. Archives
January 2021