Pinned to a board in Jim's office is a poster with Sandy's artwork on it --above-- which was used in the winter to promote an OU event in March 2015. Jim asked Sandy about it.
Sandy: Bob Stewart, a professor in OU's Scripps College of Communication, approached me about doing this poster. Pretty straight ahead job, but (dreaded reality for a freelance artist working for an institution), the rough would have to be run by the COMMITTEE. The original idea given to me was to represent the spirit of the symposium with one superhero type of character in a three panel strip. No prob, I thought and got to it. Well, by the time the rough was shown to the COMMITTEE, the idea had been changed to representing the symposium's guest with three superhero type characters in one illustration. So out the window went the strip which had come so easily. So it goes. It was actually a good gig, Bob being a very nice fellow and a pleasure to work with on the project. Artwork connected to this project is here: |
BLOGaboutPlunkett-fan Jim Harris interviewing Sandy about past and present projects. Archives
January 2021