Jim asked Sandy about the above artwork. Sandy: Actually, this is one of the few images posted on this blog that doesn't have a story attached to it. I believe it was the second Defenders cover I did for Marvel. Pretty straight ahead assignment. Though no one ever mentioned a similarity, I got the inspiration for the scene from a Michael Golden Dr. Strange cover that had come out a few months earlier. Not a case of swiping really, but bringing my toe dangerously close to the line. My coloring, and another strong inking job by Alan Weiss. Jim asked Sandy about the above artwork.
Sandy: DC Comics published a special deluxe format edition for the 50th issue of The Legend of the Dark Knight, one of their approximate 179 Batman titles of the time. About half the issue (if memory serves me right) was devoted to pin-ups of the character by various artists. The only thing really memorable about the assignment was the fact that the editor- the much beloved Archie Goodwin- gave me a call immediately on receiving it, and showered me with praise. That sort of thing can really make a freelancer's day. Sandy's inked and rough/color guide are included here: Jim asked Sandy about the above painting
Sandy: This piece was something of an exercise. Most of my color work is done kind of coloring book style. I do a black and white drawing and then start coloring in, trying not to go outside the black line. One gets a MUCH different effect if one eliminates the line drawing. The piece will feel much more like a true painting and less like an illustration. This portrait of Tarzan and Jane was one my numerous attempts to ween myself off the use of line and paint directly over the penciled drawing. Unfortunately, the illustration board I was using began to behave badly—it started to produce what's known as a 'granulated texture' as I put down the glazes of color. Sometimes you can make that effect work for you, but not when trying to capture the texture of flesh, and this was a particularly bad case of granulation. So, after a good cry, I abandoned the piece. |
BLOGaboutPlunkett-fan Jim Harris interviewing Sandy about past and present projects. Archives
January 2021